Phone fraud

Whether in the form of the consumer attempting to defraud the telephone company, the telephone company attempting to defraud the consumer, or a third party attempting to defraud either of them, fraud has been a part of the telephone system almost from the beginning.

A carrier's bottom line is significantly impacted by billing fraud.

Communications Fraud Communications fraud is the use of telecommunications products or services with no intention of payment. Fraud negatively impacts everyone, including residential and commercial customers. Fraud losses increase communications carriers’ operating costs. Although many operators have increased measures to minimize fraud and reduce their losses, criminals continue to abuse communications networks and services. Communications operators tend to keep their actual loss figures and plans for corrective measures confidential.CFCA. "CFCA's 2011 Worldwide Telecom Fraud Survey". CFCA. Retrieved 5 December 2011. 

According to the survey the 2011 top 5 fraud loss categories reported by operators were:CFCA. "CFCA's 2011 Worldwide Telecom Fraud Survey". CFCA. Retrieved 5 December 2011. 


Types of frauds

Fraud against users

Frauds against users by phone companies

Fraud against customers by third parties

Fraud with selling phones

Fraud against phone companies

Fraud by phone companies against one another

Fraud against the phone company by users

Frauds against the phone company by third parties

Frauds against the phone company by phone company employees

See also

External links